Where: Blue Note Jazz Club NYC
Went with: Myself

I know. You're thinking "Who" and "Why" and "Where's the PRS?" Well it was related to my pursuit of all things PRS. I was in NYC for a customer briefing. Since the airlines didn’t cooperate I had to fly in Tuesday evening and fly out Thursday morning. That left ample time to search for fun things to do. One of my new favorites is going to “Rudy’s” guitar shop and find guitars. Wednesday morning I played a PRS acoustic Tonare Grand. Beautiful acoustic that I hope to one day own. Actually, I'm torn because I always wanted the cutaway version (Angelus) but Rudy's didn't have it...just the full rounded version. It played and sounded so beautiful I'm not sure I want the cutaway anymore.
Anyway, I was in the mood for acoustic guitar music and this was the closest thing I could find. Brazilian. Actually they're both from Brazil and quite popular. Every song...2 measures in...prompted a big "Ahhh!" and applause from the audience. I didn't know any of the songs. She has a great voice and the guy was an amazing acoustic bosa nova guitar player. wonderful!
Anywho it was great fun. Got to listen to music I normally don't hear in a famous jazz club and sat next to people I would have never met before (a table of marketing CFO-types that live in the city…and a girl from Israel who loves Gal Costa).